
Radio OhKaai, the community radio of the North District of Brussels.

Every fourth Saturday of the month, listen to us live on Radio Campus (92.1) in Brussels, and join us in exploring a neighborhood that lives, survives, and has things to say!

Enjoy our latest podcasts
You're getting to know the festivities in the North District, but the weather is usually fine. This time, we're celebrating Winter with the boarders from Klavertje Vier school, who took to the open mic. This was followed by a festive stroll to the Place Gaucheret, where music and fire-eaters warmed...
Upcoming events
Currently, no upcoming events are listed on our site. We update our events every month with new announcements. Check back later to discover what's coming up. If you have a neighborhood event to share, feel free to use our form.

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Do you have something to share with the community? Whether it's an idea for a future show, a message to pass along to our listeners, or even audio recordings, videos, or images, we're here to listen and share! Send us your message and we'll gladly share it. Your contribution is valuable to us, so don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to hearing from you!