Monthly programme

What does the Quartier Nord need? Housing? Offices? Shops?

The district is undergoing a major transformation, without seeming to be able to find a way of reconciling all its residents. Radio OhKaai wanted to find out more by inviting Martin Rosenfeld (IEB) and Benjamin Delori (BRAL) to its studios. Babek, a local shopkeeper, and Antoine de Borman ( will then have their say.

Finally, as we do every month between now and the big parade, we'll be returning to Zinneke's offices to follow the preparations for the Zinneke Parade, which is gradually being put together and organised.

Enjoy !


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4th saturday of the month — 20:00
Radio OhKaai is the radio station from the north of Brussels, invited by Radio Campus to broadcast in the friendly airwaves of the south of the city. Stop by every fourth Saturday of the month and get to know a neighbourhood that lives, survives and has things to say!
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